September 10, 2012

insert ignorance into ignorance

My contribution to code {poems}. Btw, code {poems} intends to publish a book with the collected code poems.

You could copy paste and run the source (processing 1.2.1) and see with your own eyes how "ignorance is inserted into ignorance" String ignorance = "ignorance"; class ignorance {String insertInto (String ignorance ){return ignorance;}} void draw() { ignorance ign0rance; ign0rance = new ignorance(); println(ign0rance.insertInto(ignorance));}


tools of the trade tools I found in my house: the written word, the weapon, the camera and the old electrical meter. Contributed to The Arnolfini Archives‘ international e-mail art project

July 22, 2012

the gate to exi

gateway to exi

at last, I found the gateway to the parallel universe exi
now you know what to look for, I'm sure you can find one near you
see you
in exi

government stamp

government stamp

Contributed to The Arnolfini Archives’ international e-mail art project

June 22, 2012

urban speed

lightheaded levers
  littering letterheads
    leisurely litanies
      partioned panpipes
        lethal latexs